New prefixes for the world's largest and smallest numbers have been confirmed by a vote at the General Conference on Weights and Measures on Friday. The suggested prefixes are ronna and quetta for very large numbers and ronto and quecto for very small ones. Did you know that a byte of data on a mobile increases the phone's mass by one quectogram and the diameter of the entire observable universe is just one ronnameter?
世界上最大和最小的数字的新前缀已在周五的计量大会上通过投票得到确认。建议的前缀是:Ronna和quetta代表非常大的数字,Ronto和quecto代表非常小的数字。你知道吗,手机上一个字节的数据会使手机的质量增加1 quectogram,而整个可观测宇宙的直径只有1 ronnameter?