If you'd like to wish upon a shooting star, the Perseid meteor shower — a celestial show that starts July 14 and lasts until August 24 — might be your best bet. Every summer the Northern Hemisphere is blanketed with a gleaming barrage of "shooting stars," or meteors, tiny bits of space rock and dust that burn up in Earth's atmosphere. The Perseid meteor shower is one of the most famous meteor showers, as the night sky lights up with burning meteors when Earth passes through the dusty remnants left behind by the comet Swift-Tuttle.
如果你想对着流星许愿,英仙座流星雨——一场从7月14日开始持续到8月24日的天体表演——可能是你最好的选择。每年夏天,北半球都会被闪亮的流星(shooting stars或meteors)像弹幕一样覆盖,它们是在地球大气层中燃烧起来的微小太空岩石和尘埃。英仙座流星雨是最著名的流星雨之一,当地球经过斯威夫特-塔特尔彗星留下的尘埃残骸时,夜空中就会亮起燃烧的流星。