A gigantic fossilized skull that was hidden in a well in China for 90 years has just been discovered by scientists — and it's making them rethink human evolution. The remarkably well-preserved fossil has been labeled a new human species, Homo longi, by Chinese researchers. The species has been dubbed "Dragon man," for the northern Chinese province where the skull was found, Heilongjiang — or in English, the "Black Dragon River" region.
科学家们刚刚发现了一个隐藏在中国一口井中90年的巨大头骨化石——它使他们重新思考人类的进化。这个保存得非常好的化石被中国研究人员称为一个新的人类物种——龙人。这个物种被称为“龙人”因为头骨在中国北方省份黑龙江发现——或者用英语说"Black Dragon River"地区。