Yuan Longping, a Chinese scientist who developed higher-yield rice varieties that helped feed people around the world, died Saturday at 91. Yuan spent his life researching rice and was a household name in China, known by the nickname “Father of Hybrid Rice.” Worldwide, a fifth of all rice now comes from species created by hybrid rice following Yuan’s breakthrough discoveries.
中国科学家袁隆平星期六去世,享年91岁,他研发的高产水稻品种养活了全世界的人。袁隆平一生都在研究水稻,在中国家喻户晓,有 "杂交水稻之父 "的昵称。在全世界范围内,现在有五分之一的大米由继袁隆平的突破性发现后所创造的杂交水稻品种产出。